Will Sarah Ferguson be at King Charles' coronation?

Sarah, Duchess of York is unsure whether she will be at King Charles' coronation.

The 63-year-old royal - who was married to the monarch's brother Prince Andrew from 1986 until 1996 and has daughters Princess Beatrice, 34, and Princess Eugenie, 32, with him - was asked if she is due to appear at the King's crowning ceremony on May 6 but admitted that she has not yet received an invitation and is unsure whether anyone would "want her around."

She told ExtraTV: "The invitations haven’t gone out yet, so I don’t know if I’m going to be there because, you know, who wants me around?"

Sarah - who since splitting from Prince Andrew has become known for fronting a string of endorsement deals and sells tea and biscuits through her Duchess Collection brand - went on to joke that she has considered selling her wares at the historic event, which will be the first-of-its-kind since Charles’s late mother Queen Elizabeth was coronated in 1953.

She added: "I was thinking that I would open a little tearoom, a portable tearoom at the bottom of the drive!"

Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth - who died in September at the age of 96 following a 70-year reign - has been entrusted with the care of the late monarch's beloved corgis and revealed whenever she hears the dogs bark, she likes to think it is the presence of the Queen, or her own mother or possibly that of the King's late ex-wife Princess Diana.

When asked if the dogs barking was because of the Queen’s spiritual presence, she said, “I really like to feel that if it’s the Queen, great, or it’s my mother or Diana or whoever it might be."

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