T1 Keria becomes LCK's first support Player of the Split: "I hope no support does it again."

Source: LCK Korea

On Mar. 16, T1 secured a resounding victory over Dplus KIA in the highly anticipated match-up during the 2023 LCK Spring Split. With flawless execution and strategic plays, T1 dominated both games to secure a 2-0 win over Dplus KIA. In the first game, Ryu "Keria" Min-seok picked Thresh and showed a fantastic performance throughout the game. He was voted Player of the Game, and through this, he secured 1,200 POG points, which is enough to become player of the split. After the match, Keria and head coach Bae “Bengi” Seong-woong joined the media room for an interview.

Congrats on today’s win. What do you think about today’s match?

Bengi: It is likely that we would face DK in the playoffs, and since we beat them again before playoffs began, I feel comfortable.

Keria: It goes the same for me. We fought the teams that we would face in the playoffs and won nearly all of them, so I’m happy.

Did you predict you’d win today?

Bengi: It was the first game of the new patch, so I thought it could be difficult. After game 1 went well, I thought we could win game 2 too. The new patch wasn’t as different as I thought.

What decided the win today?

Bengi: There were several factors, but we were able to win because we were more focused in the early game or teamfights.

Keria: We were able to go ahead in both games 1 and 2 because we had better game plans. We snowballed well that way in game 1, but laning in game 2 was difficult since DK’s bot duo is really good. We were able to win because the top side did well.

Thresh hadn’t been picked often in the spring season. What are your thoughts about Thresh?

Keria: I picked him today because it seemed like the perfect angle. I can’t go into details too much since we still have to play in the playoffs. Formerly, Thresh was used to protect the ADC and make plays in the early-mid game, but now that his cooldowns were reduced, he became a champ that’s good from the beginning to the end.

You have secured 1st place in POG points now. It’s the first time a support player has secured the most POG points.

Keria: I’m happy that I’ve set such a milestone. I hope no support does it again, and I hope to become the sole award recipient.

Why is that?

Keria: Because it’s so much cooler. [Laughs]

The start of game 2 wasn’t really good. What happened?

Bengi: We did fall behind in the early game, but as Keria said, the top side played well and earned so much time. The game went well, thanks to them.

(To Keria) You might even be able to get voted regular season MVP. What do you think?

Keria: I believe the regular season MVP will be given to a player in our team. Since I’m 1st in POG points, I hope I can get MVP too.

How do you think you were able to become the player of the season?

Keria: I think support players have more influence over the game this season due to the patch. In that situation, I believe I was able to show the best possible, so I received a lot of POGs.

(To Bengi) To whom do you want to give the regular season MVP if it is picked within T1?

Bengi: If I must pick, I’d say Keria.

T1 has been doing well all season long. Is there anything to improve?

Bengi: It’s true that we have been doing well, but it’s not that we don’t make big and small mistakes. There were some mistakes recently, so we should keep that in mind as we prepare for future matches.

Keria: We should be more careful in trades later than mid game, and since our tier list in this patch isn’t perfect yet. If we improve in these areas, we can win the championship.

Any last comments?

Bengi: Like always, thank you to the fans who cheer for us. We’ll prepare well for the next match against NS RedForce.

Keria: We have one match left this split, so we’ll finish well, and I’ll do my best to do well in the playoffs too.

Source: LCK Korea

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