Protect Yourself Against Noise Exposure in Construction

Too much noise exposure can be damaging to your hearing, especially if you work in a loud environment such as a construction site. Prolonged noise exposure can lead to permanent hearing loss, so workers must limit their exposure and protect their hearing.

These are several key ways to protect yourself against noise exposure in construction and reduce your risk of hearing damage.

Keep Your Distance From Loud Machines and Tools

Keep your distance whenever possible if you’re working with loud machines or tools. The farther you are from the sound source, the lower the volume will be. If you must work closely with a noisy machine, wear ear protection such as earplugs or earmuffs to help muffle some sounds. Ensure your coworkers are wearing protective equipment, too—it only takes one person not using it for everyone’s ears to suffer!

Take Breaks Away From Noisy Areas

It’s important to take breaks from noisy areas when possible. Spend some time away from any loud machinery or tools, and give your ears a break from the constant sound exposure. Take this time to practice mindful activities such as meditation or stretching to help reduce stress levels caused by long-term noise exposure. Even taking 10 minutes away from a noisy environment can reduce stress levels significantly and give your ears time to recover.

Schedule Regular Hearing Tests

Regular hearing tests will help determine if prolonged noise exposure affects your hearing ability. Schedule regular checkups with an audiologist who can monitor your hearing health over time and make recommendations if they detect any changes in your ability to hear clearly. Taking preventive measures now can save you from bigger problems down the line!

Noise exposure in construction sites is an occupational hazard that all workers should be aware of and take steps to protect themselves against. Noise exposure is one of the common health risks on the construction site that you need to be aware of and take steps to reduce. Following the tips above can help keep your hearing healthy and prevent any long-term damage from noise exposure in construction.