Elizabeth Day loves 'embracing the smaller wins' with OPPO

Elizabeth Day loves “embracing the smaller wins” with OPPO.

The ‘How to Fail’ podcaster is opting to focus on little victories that give maximum satisfaction as opposed to more conventionally more momentous goals and is doing it with the help of the Chinese smartphone company, who recently launched their groundbreaking N2 Flip, the foldable phone.

The 44-year-old journalist said: “I'm inspired by the idea of embracing the smaller wins for this year. It's important to connect with ourselves so that we understand our purpose. Trying something new really helps us to get to the bottom of that and to discover who we are. Whether it's taking the first small step towards starting your dream business or managing to hold crow pose in yoga class, or acing a presentation at work, focusing on those smaller goals can challenge us and unlock our potential so that we can truly connect to what we're most passionate about.”

Elizabeth has given some tips on focusing on hitting your ‘pocket list’ objectives like switching up your working spot, mapping out time to get stuff done and getting that sweet dopamine pumping with treats for ticking things off.

She said: Change up where or how you work. You don't have to do it all at your desk - fit productivity around other tasks and treats in your day.”

“Unlock productivity and be efficient during the time while you're on-the-go, in between meetings or on the tube.”

The ‘Friendaholic’ author also suggests blocking off your phone’s internet access and limiting notifications.

Elizabeth said: “I used to put my phone on Airplane Mode, to eliminate distractions when on a deadline. With the OPPO Find N2 Flip, you get notifications on the front cover screen so you don't open your phone and lose focus.”

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