Are podcast ads more effective than TV ads?

By mixetto / Getty Images

Although the number of new podcasts seems to be stabilizing, podcasts remain a popular draw for dedicated listeners. And while creators are clearly enjoying success with this format, brands are also benefiting. According to a survey, ads broadcast within podcasts are more effective than those broadcast on television and even on the radio.

Although the number of new podcasts seems to be stabilizing, podcasts remain a popular draw for dedicated listeners. And while creators are clearly enjoying success with this format, brands are also benefiting. According to a survey, ads broadcast within podcasts are more effective than those broadcast on television and even on the radio.

Podcasts in general have a good image, which has a positive impact for advertising in podcasts, a report by Sounds Profitable and Signal Hill Insights of more than 2,000 Americans aged 18 or older shows.

Comparing TV, radio and podcast advertisements, the study found that US consumers are more likely to support a brand if it is associated with their favorite podcast. Sixty percent claim to do so, while less than half (48%) go out of their way to support a brand associated with their favorite network/cable TV show and just 43% do for a brand associated with their favorite radio program. Listeners feel more positive about brands mentioned in a podcast more than on other media or social networks.

And this trust leads more easily to purchases. Sixty-eight percent of American consumers surveyed are more willing to consider products and services of a brand they discover in a podcast, compared to 62% on YouTube, 61% on social networks, 54% on television and 49% on radio. Forty-three percent say they are more likely to buy a product after discovering it on a podcast versus 33% on TV and 26% on radio.

Ads that are more relevant?

But why do podcasts have such a positive impact on consumers? According to the study, the reason consumers respond more positively to ads in podcasts than in other media is because of their relevance. Sixty-one percent of those surveyed say the ads on podcasts are more relevant to them than ads on social media (59%), YouTube (54%), TV (41%) and radio (40%). Ads in podcasts therefore hold consumers' attention better at 36%, compared to 31% on TV and 29% on radio.

One of the reasons for this positive view is that consumers have a more intimate connection with podcasts and thus develop more trust in this medium, the study explains. As a result, recommendations and advertisements in a podcast are better perceived by consumers.

Frequency also plays an important role. According to the report, consumers listen to fewer ads in podcasts than via other media. Fifty-five percent of Americans surveyed had heard or seen an ad in a podcast during the week compared to 63% on TV and radio, 61% on social networks and 58% on YouTube.

However the study did point out that frequent podcast listeners prefer to listen to ad-free media or content with fewer ads than others, the study noted.

In addition to not being saturated by ads, podcasts allow for fewer distractions compared to social networks. Ads are also better incorporated into podcasts, without creating a disconnect for the listener. The study takes the example of fiction podcasts that sometimes promote a product within the story, often with humor. A good way to make listeners want to hear about a product without them even realizing it.

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