Creator Of Cash App, Bob Lee, Stabbed To Death In San Francisco At 43

Cash app creator Bob Lee (Image: MobileCoin)

Bob Lee, 43, the creator of the Cash App, was stabbed to death in San Francisco on Monday.

San Francisco Police received a call at 2:35 a.m. about a stabbing in the downtown area. He was taken to the hospital and identified.

Police have yet to make an arrest and have not given additional information on the case.

Lee was known as “Crazy Bob” because he invested in many tech start-ups.


According to his Linkedin profile, he invested in Space X, Figma, Ticket Fairy, Netswitch, Found, SiPhox, Addressable, Nana, Gowalla, and many others.

He was the Chief Product Officer at MobileCoin. Previously, he worked at Google, where he focused on library development. He then joined Square and became the company’s first CTO. He also created Cash App and helped build the Android platform.

Many are grieving the loss of an important figure in the tech community.

Gary Tan, president and CEO of Y Combinators, took to Twitter to say, “Bob Lee’s death is a tragedy and huge loss for the tech community and for San Francisco. We must remember his life and works. We know so little about the circumstances and it’s too early to speculate what happened yet. That area is filled with cameras so we will find out soon.”

The Cash App creator is survived by two daughters and wife. He recently moved to Miami, Florida but came to San Francisco to visit for the day.


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