Massive Fight Breaks Out Among Women At White Sox Game With No Security In Sight

Fans fight at White Sox game (Image: Twitter)

A massive brawl broke out during the Chicago White Sox versus Baltimore Orioles game on Saturday, with several spectators involved and hardly any security anywhere to be found.

A video shared on Twitter shows a fight breaking out among fans for minutes, with a woman being dragged down a row of seats. As seen in the video, one sole security guard attempted to break up the fight, which mainly involved two women throwing punches at each other but evolved to include more members of the stand.


The fight seemed to have calmed down for a few seconds before another woman threw a cup at the person dragged on the seats, reigniting the fight that involved fists and hair pulling. It seems a lot of spectators were forced into the fight, with a number of them taking serious beatings and falls.

Despite the clear violent nature of the fight, security guards did little to nothing to break up the fight, with the video showing an audience member doing more to contain the fight than the stadium employees.


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