Fridays For Future's new Earth Day campaign uses the power of AI

By Fridays For Future

"Earth is no toy" is the simple yet powerful slogan used by the Fridays for Future movement in a campaign launched in celebration of Earth Day. It features pictures of G20 leaders... as children. This impressively realistic montage was made possible thanks to artificial intelligence.

"Earth is no toy" is the simple yet powerful slogan used by the Fridays for Future movement in a campaign launched in celebration of Earth Day. It features pictures of G20 leaders... as children. This impressively realistic montage was made possible thanks to artificial intelligence.

If you've ever wondered what Emmanuel Macron or Joe Biden might have looked like as a child, Fridays for Future brings you the answer in pictures, through the "Earth is no toy" campaign, developed by the Farid & Fred agency. The photos were created in collaboration with Benjamin Benichou, an AI producer based in Los Angeles. They show the leaders of the G20 countries as children, from Emmanuel Macron to Xi Jinping, Justin Trudeau, Giorgia Meloni, Joe Biden, and more. The aim is to reach out to world leaders, explains Fridays for Future and to remind them that they were once children, and to encourage them to work towards a more sustainable future for all.

The campaign is a call to action, encouraging powerful world leaders to "recognize the gravity of the situation, with the hope that they will become the role models we need." The new Fridays for Future "Earth is no toy" campaign is launching in the run up to "Earth Day," an annual global event for demonstrating support for environmental protection, celebrated on April 22 for the last 50 years.

This is not the first time that Greta Thunberg's movement has worked with the Fred & Farid agency to raise awareness about the climate emergency. In February 2021, when the NASA probe Perseverance had just landed on Mars, Fridays for Future released a satirical video to draw attention to the vast amounts of money devoted to the conquest of the Red Planet. Entitled "1%," the video calls out the millions of dollars invested in space programs focused on Mars, financed by the governments of several countries around the world, and by some of the world's wealthiest individuals and businesses (including Elon Musk and SpaceX). Meanwhile, 99% of humans are stuck on Earth, where they're facing the very real effects of a major climate crisis.

© Agence France-Presse