Julia Louis-Dreyfus opens up on 'emotionally devastating' late pregnancy loss

Julia Louis-Dreyfus endured an "emotionally devastating" late pregnancy loss.

The 62-year-old presenter recalled how elated she and husband Brad Hall were to find out they were expecting their first child in 1989, two years after they married, but sadly they were told their unborn child couldn't survive.

Speaking on her 'Wiser Than Me' podcast, she said: "When I was about 28, I got pregnant for the first time and I was crazy happy.

"I got pregnant easily. I felt very fertile, very womanly. And then, quite late in the pregnancy, my husband Brad and I discovered that this little fetus was not going to live."

The 'Veep' star - who went on to have children Henry, now 30, and 25-year-old Charlie - admitted the "emotionally devastating" tragedy became a "complete nightmare" after she ended up hospitalised with an infection.

But despite her ordeal, Julia has fond memories of coming home and being cared for by Brad and her mother, and will never forget the "comforting" smell of her mom's cooking - even though she was unable to eat.

She recalled: "After a couple of days, I finally got out of the hospital and I came home to recuperate, but I wasn't allowed to get out of bed yet. I was, as they say, bedridden.

"But my mom cooked. She made this incredible, cozy chili in a cast iron skillet with cornbread on top, in the pan. She and my husband Brad set up a little card table at the foot of the bed.

"The smell of that cornbread and the chili was so wonderful. It just filled the room and the whole house and my heart, really.

"Because, here's the thing. I couldn't eat. I wasn't yet allowed to have solid food. But, it didn't matter. It was the best meal ever and I didn't even eat it. The making of it was so comforting, it was so embracing.

"It's one of my greatest memories around food, even though it has sort of an odd kicker, really."

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