A daily dose of friendship can chase your blues away

One “quality conversation” a day with a friend contributes to happiness and stress reduction, according to a latest study

Connecting with friends daily improves overall well-being, regardless of communication method, says a new study.

The study by researchers from five different universities involved more than 900 participants who used one of seven communication methods for a day, including catching up, listening, meaningful talks, joking around, showing care, valuing others’ opinions, and offering sincere compliments. The participants then reported on their well-being, connection, stress, anxiety, loneliness, and the quality of their day.

Lead study author Jeffrey Hall, a professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas, stated that the method of connection did not matter as much as the act of connecting with a friend.

“One of the take-home messages of this study is that there are many paths toward the same goal,” he said.

The study also found that participants who had more than one “quality conversation” a day experienced greater effects on happiness and stress reduction. Hall added that the more participants listened to their friends, showed care, and valued others’ opinions, the better they felt at the end of the day.

The study’s findings suggest that making time to connect with friends on a regular basis can have a significant impact on one’s overall well-being.

Regardless of the communication method used, the act of connecting with a friend can help reduce stress, combat loneliness, and improve happiness.

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