Robert Rodriguez maintains hope for Alita: Battle Angel sequel

Robert Rodriguez maintains hope that an 'Alita: Battle Angel' sequel will be made.

The 54-year-old filmmaker directed the 2019 cyberpunk action movie and is optimistic that the story could be continued as projects now seem to be moving forward again following Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox in the same year.

Quizzed by Collider on any developments, Robert said: "I mean, movement other than us talking about it?

"You know, I just wasn't sure it was ever gonna happen because even when the first movie came out, Disney had just bought Fox, so even our marketing people, everybody, were gone by the time that movie came out. And then there wasn't any Fox movies being made for years because Disney was still busy making their own Disney stuff.

"But now I've seen some Fox movies come out, so that gave me hope."

The 'Spy Kids' director added: "And then when Jon (Landau, producer) mentioned that, and then (James Cameron) and I have been talking that we always wanted to do an 'Alita' sequel.

"He outlined, very thoroughly, a second and a third film, so there's already material there. So yeah, we're hoping that that will happen. But nothing more definitive than that."

Christoph Waltz starred in the film as cyborg scientist Dr. Dyson Ido and previously stated that he was "disappointed" that a sequel has not come to fruition.

Asked if he would be interested in another movie, the Oscar-winning star told Collider: "Of course! Of course I would! But, you know, I'm as wise as you are. I haven't heard anything and I'm a little disappointed and surprised that I haven't heard a thing so far, because I know that it has followers. I know that people liked it and aside from what others said, I loved it and I liked working on it and I liked the result."

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