Rob Lowe Celebrates 33 Years Of Sobriety With Beach Selfie & Inspirational Message

Rob Lowe celebrated 33 years of sobriety on Wednesday. The 55-year-old beloved actor took to social media to share a sweet inspirational message with his followers.

“33 years ago today I found recovery and a tribe that has sustained me on my incredible, grateful journey. My life is full of love, family, God, opportunity, friends, work, dogs and fun,” Lowe captioned his Instagram post. “If you or someone you know is struggling with any form of addiction: hope and joy are waiting if you want it, and are willing to work for it!”

The Unstable actor received thousands of likes and comments from his 1.9 million followers, with family and friends showering him with love. “Proud of your recovery, opposite feeling about this selfie,” Lowe’s youngest son, John, commented under his sunset ocean selfie, while his eldest son, Matthew, wrote “It works if you work it!”


Gwyneth Paltrow expressed also her support by commenting “We are so proud of you. We love you so much,” while Katherine Schwarzenegger wrote “Bravo



Lowe had previously credited his wife, Sheryl Berkoff, for inspiring him to start his journey to sobriety. “She inspired me to get sober,” he explained while accepting the Spirit of Sobriety award at the 2015 Brent Shapiro Foundation Summer Spectacular. “She’s put up with my defects of character, as they call it. In sobriety, the lessons keep coming if you’re lucky enough to be along as long as I have. She’s stood by through all of that. And I love you very much.”


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