Artificial intelligence could end up becoming ‘teachers’ in ‘dystopian’ future

Artificial intelligence could end up being used to teach children as part of a “dystopian” future.

Rose Luckin, a professor at University College London Knowledge Lab, has predicted AI applications could takes over most aspects of education, resulting in a cheaper system with limited human interaction – particularly for less privileged students – or an alternative future where technology supports teachers without compromising vital human element of education.

She told The Guardian: “There’s a dystopian version where you hand over far too much to the AI.

“And you end up with an education system that’s much cheaper, where you have a lot of the delivery done by AI systems.”

This version of the future could see teachers assisted in marking and lesson planning, leaving them with more time to focus on other elements of their work. But Prof Luckin warned if the teaching of lessons was handed to machines, it would strip away crucial human interactions.

She added: “Of course, that will be for the less well-off students. The more well-off students will still have lots of lovely one-to-one human interactions, alongside some very smartly integrated AI.

“That human interaction is something to be cherished, not thrown out.”

Her concerns echo those of political scientist Herbert Simon, who predicted in 1965 machines would soon match human capabilities.

The European parliament’s forthcoming ‘Artificial Intelligence Act’ is expected to classify AI use in education, law enforcement, and worker management as “high risk”.

Renowned AI figure Geoffrey Hinton recently resigned from Google citing concerns about the impact of AI on employment, amid growing fears the technology may totally replace millions of jobs.

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