Google Bard adds images to queries

Google Bard has added images into its queries.

The search giant's artificial intelligence platform is getting an update with images being integrated into responses to help give users a better understanding of the topic they ask about.

Although these images already exist and are not AI-generated - such as those created by Adobe Firefly, Bing AI and Dall-E 2 - Google does have plans for that in the future.

As reported by CNET, a spokesperson said in a statement: "We'll also integrate Adobe Firefly into Bard so you can easily and quickly turn your own creative ideas into high-quality images."

In a blog post listing Bard experiment updates, Google said: "Starting with English responses, Bard can now bring in images from Google Search, so you can get helpful responses with visuals.

"You can also ask Bard for images directly. Bard will show a source for each image."

They explained that the integration has been introduced to "enhance responses" when asking for "visual information".

They continued: "Images can help you communicate your ideas more effectively.

"They can bring concepts to life, make recommendations more persuasive, and enhance responses when you ask for visual information."

Bard will allow users to ask for images directly - which could be useful for planning sight seeing on a trip - and will also show the source for the pictures.

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