Colourful vegetable casserole with napkin dumplings

Rolf Seiffe/FoodCentrale by ddp images

Ingredients for 4 people:

3 rolls (from the previous day)
150 ml milk
1 onion
1 tbsp butter
40 g smoked, streaky bacon cubes
1 stalk parsley
1 egg (size L)
salt, pepper
1 leek
300 g carrots
750 g potatoes
1 heaped tablespoon flour
100 g whipping cream
2-3 tsp grated horseradish from a jar


1. Dice the rolls into small cubes and place in a large bowl. Heat the milk to lukewarm, pour over the bread and soak for approx. 30 minutes. Peel and finely dice the onion and sauté in hot butter until translucent. Add the bacon cubes. Wash parsley, chop finely. Add the onion mixture, parsley and egg to the rolls. Season with salt and pepper, knead by hand and leave to rest for approx. 30 minutes.

2. Then place the dumpling mixture in the centre of a damp cloth. Form into a roll with moistened hands and wrap in the cloth. Tie the ends of the cloth together. Bring plenty of salted water to the boil in a suitably sized saucepan. Cook the dumpling roll over a low heat for 30 minutes.

3. In the meantime, clean the leek, wash and cut into rings. Peel the carrots and potatoes, wash, cut into pieces and cook in 400 ml boiling salted water with the lid on. Cover and cook for approx. 15 minutes. Add the leek during the last 5 minutes. Add the leek.

4. Drain the vegetables and keep the stock. Stir flour and cream into the stock until smooth. Bring to the boil again while stirring. Season with salt, pepper and horseradish to taste.

5. Arrange the vegetables in baking dishes and drizzle with a little sauce. Cut the dumpling roll, spread and drizzle with the rest of the sauce. Sprinkle with cheese and bake in a preheated oven (E.-heater: 200°C/gas: level 3) for approx. 20 minutes. minutes. Serve garnished with parsley.

Preparation time approx. 80 minutes (without waiting time)

Nutritional values per portion approx.:

Calories: 366
Joule: 1529
Protein: 13,9 g
Fat: 10,8 g
Carbohydrates: 51.5 g

(FoodCentrale by ddp images)