Meta is working on AI-powered features

Meta is working on artificial intelligence tools.

The parent company of social brands like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp outlined their intentions with the ever-developing tech in general meeting.

In the meeting - which took place at their Menlo Park headquarters and was streamed to their entire workforce - they confirmed reports from the New York Times they were working on new AI products and let their staff see them in action for the first time, which includes a ChatGPT-style chatbot being integrated into their messaging services.

Their chief technology officer Andrew Bosworth, chief product officer Chris Cox and the founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg were in attendance and spoke about the plans.

They also announced how they planned to bring it to Instagram that could edit photos via tech prompts and create emojis for their messaging platforms.

This comes after the tech giant announced plans to lay off more than 10,000 members of staff after struggling financially. The company was affected by unsustained growth - which peaked during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic - and increased investment in unprofitable ventures like their virtual reality offering, the Metaverse.

Meta has also been restructuring its AI team and pumping lots of cash to compete with their competitors like Google, who have been investing in Bard, an AI-operated Google search function.

Paul Barrett, the deputy director of NYU’s Stern Center for Business, told the Guardian newspaper: “It’s difficult to see Meta’s predicament as anything other than a desperate scramble to catch up with its rivals on a number of fronts.”

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