Nintendo crowned ‘best value for money’ as nearly 70 per cent of Brits reduce gaming spend

By Jess Jones

Nintendo’s online gaming subscription is the “best value for money” – but British gamers have spent less on products as the cost of living crisis weighs down their wallets.

The Mario and Luigi creators have beaten the likes of the Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus in Indivisible Gaming’s investigation into online gaming subscriptions.

An analysis of the most popular online gaming subscriptions – including EA Play, Ubisoft +, Apple Arcade and Prime Gaming – compared them when it came to value for money, looking at factors such as online access, cloud storage and monthly access.

The Nintendo Switch Online, which is priced at £3.49 per month – the lowest of all the contenders – achieved the highest rating of 5/6. It lost only one point due to not having weekly updates.

Apple Arcade, £4.99 per month, is the only subscription service in the study to offer weekly updates, although it was ranked overall as worst in the ratings, scoring 2/6 together with Prime Gaming.

The Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus drew second behind Nintendo however they cost over double the price at £7.99 and £6.99 per month, respectively.

Buyers of gaming consoles must usually purchase as online subscription service if they want to access online play and extra storage and additional features, which can enhance the experience.

This comes as entertainment spending in the UK is a low priority for most Brits.

A recent Office for National Statistics report found that 68 per cent of adults in Britain are reducing discretionary expenditure on non-essentials like entertainment due to the cost of living crisis.