State Department Refuses To Give Specific Guarantees To Enes Kanter Freedom Amid Concerns Over Erdogan's Bounty

In a recent interview with The Pavlovic Today, Enes Kanter Freedom expressed his disappointment with the lack of response from Secretary of State Blinken regarding President Erdogan’s offer of a reward for his capture.

Seeking further insights into Secretary Blinken’s actions concerning this matter, The Pavlovic Today’s Ksenija Pavlovic McAteer approached Matt Miller, the spokesperson for Secretary Blinken.

When questioned about the steps being taken by Secretary Blinken to address the bounty with President Erdogan and the anticipated timeframe for its removal, Matt Miller evaded the question, stating that he was unaware of any letter sent to the State Department.

Subsequent to the briefing, the State Department declined to provide specific assurances regarding the safety of Enes Kanter Freedom, which many believe is an attempt to avoid any potential conflict with President Erdogan. The recent electoral victory of Turkey’s President has given him a whip hand, making it unlikely that the United States will take actions that could impact the bilateral relationship with Turkey.

A spokesperson from the State Department told The Pavlovic Today that ensuring the safety and security of US citizens abroad is of the utmost importance to the State Department, but refused to provide any specific reassurances regarding Enes Freedom’s case.

A spokesperson for the State Department stated that the department usually refrains from sharing details about private American citizens with the media, unless there is explicit written consent. Furthermore, the spokesperson emphasized that the department generally avoids commenting on communications with Congress or private individuals within the United States.

During an interview with The Pavlovic Today, Enes Freedom made reference to a letter that is publicly available. The letter in question was addressed to President Biden and expressed strong condemnation from Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern (OK-01) and representatives Brian Babin (TX-36) regarding the Biden Administration’s “lack of action in response to Turkey putting a bounty on the head of American citizen.”

Freedom stated on the record that numerous other letters, including those from Democratic Party members, were sent to the State Department and Secretary Blinken. However, according to Freedom, “none of them gets any kind of response.”

Enes Kanter Freedom expressed strong disappointment and frustration on social media in response to the State Department’s refusal to provide specific answers during the press briefing.

“What an embarrassment!” Freedom exclaimed. He highlighted the reluctance of the State Department to engage with a “31-year-old US citizen.” He questioned the integrity of their statements, stating, “How can they lie to the American people?!”

Moreover, Freedom expressed his concern over a situation where a foreign leader had placed a bounty on the head of an American citizen, stating, “A dictator puts a bounty on a U.S. citizen’s head, and our administration couldn’t care less.”

The State Department declined to issue any further comments.