Live: Speaker McCarthy And House Republicans Unveil Strategic Response To Escalating Crime Operation In California

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and other members of the California Delegation are set to hold a briefing today in Orange County, California, to address concerns regarding an organized crime operation that has been affecting families in Southern California and across the nation.

The briefing, scheduled for Friday afternoon, will involve a comprehensive overview presented by federal and local law enforcement officials. According to the Speaker’s office, today’s event will shed light on the alarming increase in home invasions carried out by foreign criminals who are exploiting Chile’s status in the Visa Waiver Program.

Joining Speaker McCarthy (CA-20) at the briefing will be Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, along with Representatives Michelle Steel (CA-45), Young Kim (CA-40), and Ken Calvert (CA-41), as well as Assemblyman Vince Fong.

Tune in at 2:15 pm Pacific Time.