'She is quite erratic!' Kerry Katona speaks out about Britney Spears

Kerry Katona thinks Britney Spears is "really struggling" at the moment.

The 41-year-old pop star regained control of her multimillion dollar fortune and various aspects of her life when a conservatorhsip govenered by her family was terminated in 2021 but in recent weks has been accused of taking drugs by her former husband Kevin Federline as her estranged mother Lynne has begged her for a reunion.

Now, former Atomic Kitten singer Kerry, 42, has called the situation regarding Britney as "awful" but noted that it is "hard" to be sure what is actually going on.

Writing in her new! magazine column, she said: "I think it's awful what's going on with Britney Spears. I wish we wouldn't make people like her fall further after what they've been through. Saying that, she is quite erratic and it's hard to tell what is actually going on. I think she is really struggling."

Hours after the story initially broke last week, Britney - who has Sean Preston, 17, and 16-year-old Jayden with Kevin but is now married to actor Sam Asghari - said in a long Instagram post: “The fact that people are claiming things that are not true is so sad ... This may not even be them saying such things because it doesn't make any sense to me for them to be saying that … With Preston saying ‘she needs to listen to us before it’s too late’ … Do you remember every visit you came to my home, you went into your room and locked the door ???

“I never saw you guys … Jayden played the piano and we made music together … But the day I told him I wanted to see you guys more, I never saw you again.

"It makes me sad because I tried so hard to make things nice for you and it was never good enough. So you guys go behind my back and talk about me … it breaks my heart and the news is so low … l’ve always felt like the news bullies me … It’s sad because everyone sits back as if that's ok to make up lies to that extent ... Why am I told I have to sit back and rise above ???

“When they all go so low ??? Hopefully it is just the news being hateful and Kevin nor Preston said any of those things either way I will be fine working out to Throb !!!”

Kevin, 45, had told documentary-maker Daphne Barak: “I fear she’s on meth – I’ve been praying someone would make it public and that she wakes up. It's terrifying. She is the mother of my boys." but later branded the quote as a "fabricated lie."

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