‘Mad Men’ Stars Jon Hamm & Anna Osceola Marry In Big Sur Wedding

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 07: Anna Osceola and Jon Hamm attend

Jon Hamm and Anna Osceola tied the knot in Big Sur, California, on Sunday. 

Their wedding took place in the same location where they filmed the Mad Men finale in Anderson Canyon. 

The star-studded wedding had some famous guests, including Tina Fey, Billy Crudup and Paul Rudd

The two walked down the aisle to the James Bond 1967 movie You Only Live Twice theme song. 

The couple first met back in 2015 on the set of Mad Men. In 2020, they were seen together romantically on several occasions, including on coffee runs together. A few weeks later they confirmed that they were dating. 

In September 2021, they went on their first vacation together to Italy. 

In March 2022, they stepped onto the red carpet together for the first time at an Oscars afterparty. After this, they were spotted at several screenings, including the movie they both star in Confess, Fletch. They also attended the musical Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman in New York City. 

In September 2022, Hamm publicly spoke about the possibility of him getting married and spoke about how he and Osceola were very in love. 

Their engagement was confirmed on February 2023, although they revealed that they had been engaged for much longer since then. 

Before their wedding, they were spotted at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party together in March. 

Hamm was previously in a long-term relationship with actress Jennifer Westfeldt.


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