Delaware State Sen. Sarah McBride Announces Congressional Bid, Making Her First Openly Trans Person To Run For U.S. Congress

Delaware State Sen. Sarah McBride (Photo: Instagram)

Delaware State Sen. Sarah McBride (D-Delaware) announced her Congressional bid, which would make her the first opening transgender member of U.S. Congress if she wins.

In 2020, McBride made history as the first openly trans state senator, also marking her as the highest-ranking elected trans official in American history. She has achieved a lot throughout her time in the Senate, including passing legislature that protected paid family and medical leave.

Delaware only has one seat in the House of Representatives, currently occupied by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Delaware). Blunt Rochester, however, just announced that she will be running for Senate, which means her seat will be vacant and up for McBride to grab.

Blunt Rochester endorsed McBride during her 2020 campaign and will most likely back her during her Congressional campaign.

Other endorsements that McBride has secured include the Human Rights Campaign and members of the Delaware House and Senate. Her platform is largely based on criminal justice reform, battling climate change and increasing access to reproductive healthcare.

“In Delaware, we’ve proven that small states can do BIG things,” tweeted McBride. “It’s time to do it again.”

McBride also acknowledged the series of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that has been passed over the last few years, calling for reform in this area and proudly standing with the community.

“As they’ve increased their attacks on families and kids,” said McBride about conservative lawmakers during her announcement speech, “it has become even clearer: for our democracy to work, it needs to include all of us. If elected, I’ll be the first openly trans member in Congress.”


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