CNN Anchor Jake Tapper Slams RFK Jr.’s ‘Wild & False’ Claims About Vaccines In A 2005 Documentary

BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, speaks to people from a wide spectrum, including coronavirus skeptics, conspiracy enthusiasts, right-wing extremists, religious conservatives,...

CNN anchor Jake Tapper slammed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for recounting a “wild and false” story about an interaction the two had in a recent interview. 

Kennedy Jr. spoke about this exchange that occurred in 2005 in an interview he conducted on Jordan Peterson’s podcast last month. 

Kennedy Jr. asserted that he and Tapper worked together on a documentary, which was axed, for three weeks that criticized vaccines while Tapper was working for ABC News. 

Tapper called Kennedy Jr. out for this story and the other claims he has made in a CNN column. Tapper even went as far as to say this proves, “how untethered he is to facts.”

Tapper started off by explaining RFK Jr’s history of spreading untrue assertions.

In 2005, Kennedy Jr. had written several pieces for Rolling Stone and Salon, which were both taken down due to inaccuracies about vaccines and autism. 

Tapper pointed out that RFK Jr. ignored proven studies that contradicted his claims, which he was aware of.

He maintains that they did not in fact work together for three weeks, but Tapper only interviewed RFK Jr. over the phone for a segment on ABC News, which aired on June 22, 2005. 

RFK Jr. additionally claimed that Tapper called him the night before the interview was supposed to air to tell him that ABC News “corporate” decided not to air it. Tapper said he did call RFK Jr., but he did not tell him that corporate axed the piece. 

RFK Jr. claimed that Tapper told him, “All my career, I have never had a piece killed by corporate and I’m so mad.”

Tapper said that he had pieces killed before, but corporate was not involved in this decision. 

Tapper said that RFK Jr. was twisting their interaction to use it as “evidence” of networks trying to censor information about vaccines.

In the interview, Tapper called RFK Jr. out saying, “The medical community overwhelmingly disagrees with Kennedy, who is not a scientist or a doctor.”


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