Planned six-day strike by British Museum workers called off

By Ben Lucas

A planned strike by workers at the British Museum has been suspended after progress in a pay dispute.

Members of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union in the museum’s visitor services and security teams had been set for a six-day walkout from Tuesday in a row over the Government’s promised £1,500 cost-of-living payment to civil servants.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: “Strike action is always considered a last resort.

“The decision to suspend the strike demonstrates PCS’s willingness to engage in dialogue when reasonable offers are made by employers.

“I applaud the dedication and perseverance of the representatives and members at the British Museum branch, who fought tirelessly for this outcome through weeks of strike action and two successful ballots.

“Although the offer falls short of meeting the union’s entire claim, it includes significant concessions that resolve the most pressing concerns raised by members.”

Press Association – by Alan Jones