YouTube introduces three upgrades

YouTube is adding some big upgrades.

The video-sharing platform is trialling a faster way of doubling the playback speed of videos and rolling out the feature exclusively to YouTube Premium subscribers on iOS and Android.

To use it, all you have to do is do a long press on the screen and in a few seconds, it will double in speed.

This will be a step up from going through various menus before the speed can be amended.

According to their website, YouTube are also adding the ability to lock the screen “while watching a video in full-screen mode, p on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Lock Screen” so it doesn’t go dark mid-footage.

To test it out, those who pay for the website can hit the YouTube Labs website or visit via the YouTube app, which gives people direct access in the Settings menu until 13 August.

They also increase the size of thumbnails on all editions of the Google-owned service as way to make it “easier to find the exact moment in the video you want to watch”.

YouTuber M. Brandon Lee has added fuel fire to the rumour that they are working on a “normalizer and compressor” for music, under the feature ‘Stable volume’.

He wrote on Twitter: “YouTube now has a feature called “Stable volume.”

He added: "I’m not entirely sure what it is, but I think it may be a normalizer and compressor that evens out the volume so you don’t have big jumps in volume between videos and even parts of a video itself.

He suggested it "may be problematic for music".

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