England fans cheer as Lionesses beat Haiti

By Jessica Frank-Keyes

England football fans cheered on the Lionesses to victory against Haiti as they made a nervy start to their World Cup campaign.

The Lionesses, looking for back-to-back success after winning the Euros last year, edged to a 1-0 win over Haiti in their opening Group D match thanks to a Georgia Stanway penalty.

Emily Taylor, 45, from Cheshire, was among the diehard fans who travelled to Brisbane, Australia, for the opener and to soak up the “welcoming” atmosphere.

Taylor, who travelled with her wife Mel, said: “I absolutely did expect this sense of community because we go to lots of games in the UK. It’s just such a good bunch that is so welcoming.

“This is what happens when the Lionesses go abroad. We take the people with us.

“We have had a lot of injuries but to see how the girls have progressed from last year going into the Euros, doing so fantastically well and getting the whole nation behind them and here we are a year later where some people do say we are the favourites, or top four or up there – you couldn’t ask for anything more exciting.”

Fans showed up in their England shirts and their faces painted in the colours of St George’s flag to watch the match on big screens back home.

Supporters watched a screening at the King’s College Fields, Ruislip, despite the gloomy start to the summer holidays with cloud, rain and wind forecast for much of the UK.

Former Love Islander Amber Gill, Lioness and McDonald’s football ambassador Beth Mead and football freestyler Harriet Pavlou watched the match at a screening in Brighton.

Deborah Dilworth, head of women’s football at the Football Supporters Association, said planning to help England’s “awesome” fans at the tournament matches in Australia and New Zealand, started with last year’s Euro championships.

They are “proud, full of voice and want to be as passionate and inclusive as possible” and there is a “relaxed” vibe among them”, Dilworth said.

She said a back-to-back tournament win by the Lionesses “would be insane, and I would love to see it because the party would be unreal”.

Dilworth added: “There is a general will to want women’s football to succeed – that is the passion, and it is people saying `we want better for the women’s game which makes it a magical environment.”

By Helen William, PA