Is the looming dawn of CBDCs leading us blindly into a surveillance state?

By Darren Parkin

In our increasingly connected world, where technology infiltrates every aspect of our lives, the encroachment of government overreach and excessive powers has become a concerning reality.

As surveillance measures and emergency laws are introduced by stealth, it is crucial for us to recognise the dangers that lie beneath the surface. By drawing parallels to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, we can see how our society is gradually succumbing to a surveillance state.

In this article, I will delve into the implications of government overreach, the erosion of privacy, and the looming threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), while exploring potential solutions such as Bitcoin…

Today, surveillance has become omnipresent, with cameras hanging from ceilings, and our conversations, transactions, and movements relentlessly tracked by the devices we carry with us. There has been a growing number of censorship bills getting approved in the UK Parliament, one recent inclusion being the Online Safety Bill.

While some level of surveillance is necessary for security purposes, the extent to which it has insidiously seeped into our society demands our attention. The constant monitoring and tracking of individuals bear an uncomfortable resemblance to the telescreens in Orwell’s novel, raising concerns about the erosion of privacy.

Loss of liberties and the criminalisation of protest

Emergency laws, such as the Public Order Bill, which received royal assent and became an Act of Parliament in May, have served as a vehicle for government overreach, resulting in the loss of our fundamental liberties.

These laws, often justified under the guise of crisis management, now known as ‘perma-crisis’, have curtailed our right to protest, effectively criminalising dissent.

We must question the motives behind such legislation and their potential impact on democratic principles.


Another significant example of government overreach lies in the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. While the intention may be to establish a unified global response to pandemics, the treaty’s implications are worrisome.

By requiring governments to adhere to the WHO’s advice, even if it contradicts local laws, this treaty could undermine national sovereignty and consolidate power in unelected bodies. The influence of private companies, particularly through funding, raises questions about the impartiality and transparency of global health governance.

Parallels with 1984

George Orwell’s 1984 serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked government power. Several parallels can be drawn between the surveillance measures described in the novel and today’s technology.

Listening devices, mass surveillance, facial recognition, and data collection are all areas of concern. While contemporary surveillance has not reached the extreme levels depicted in the book, the rapid pace of surveillance growth should prompt us to consider its potential trajectory. The closure of accounts by banks due to non-mainstream political views, coupled with the implementation of excessive laws, should serve as a wake-up call for everyone.

The introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) seriously threatens privacy and civil liberties. CBDCs make all money digital and programmable, enabling unprecedented control and monitoring, erasing the remaining layers of privacy and autonomy we currently have.

In this growing surveillance state, investing in a dystopian society raises questions. The possibility of government mandated curtailment of industries when implementing flawed government agendas should be of great concern to businesses as well as citizens.

Increased government control may negatively affect certain industries such as entertainment or hospitality, prompting a need to consider long-term ramifications.

Fortunately, Bitcoin offers an alternative, providing financial freedom without constant surveillance. By diversifying the economic landscape, Bitcoin counters the state’s ever expanding powers.

Awareness and advocacy for transparency are crucial to protect privacy and combating government overreach. Decentralised technologies like Bitcoin can promote individual autonomy and serve as alternatives to CBDCs.


The encroachment of government overreach and excessive powers demands our attention. As surveillance grows and emergency laws limit freedoms, we must awaken to the insidious drip of this agenda.

Recognising parallels to 1984, we grasp the potential consequences of unchecked government power.

Reclaiming privacy, demanding transparency, and exploring decentralised solutions empower individuals.

Bitcoin is a peaceful means to opt out of CBDCs preventing the government from closing the surveillance loop. Preserving democracy’s principles and protecting civil liberties hinge on embracing Bitcoin’s alternative path.

Together, let us act now to safeguard transparency, autonomy, and a future where individual freedom thrives. Bitcoin also provides the additional benefit of fixing our broken money and offering a sound alternative to our existing fiat Ponzi scheme.

Big Brother is almost watching you!