Hydro-transport transport schemes given eight million pound investment

The UK government has given hydro-transport transport schemes £8 million.

The Department of Transport has given projects in Teesside funding to help create a hydrogen transport headquarters for supermarket delivery trucks and airport ground vehicles that will be powered by the gas.

Along with this, four accessible hydrogen refuelling stations will also be built in the Tees Valley.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper called the area a “pioneer” in creating the tech.

He said: "Hydrogen technology has great potential to decarbonise transport and help grow the economy.

"This investment will provide a further boost to the economy, creating skilled jobs and apprenticeships across the North East."

The plan will be brought to life with leadership from the low-emission transport company ULEMCo - who will make hydrogen-fuelled airport cars, tow trucks and sweepers - in tandem with Element 2, who will work on the fuel.

Ben Houchen, the Tees Valley mayor admitted that being on the British pioneers in the fuel was “continuing to pay off”.

He added that the airport and the area in general was “at the forefront of the UK’s net zero ambitions.”

The news comes after Prime Minister Rishi was slammed for his plan to “max out” the country’s gas and oil reserves.

Chris Skidmore, the Conservative MP leading the government’s review into getting to net zero called his party’s leader’s choice was on “the wrong side of history”.

Billionaire climate philanthropist Andrew Forrest threatened to pull his capital investment if he concierge the UK to be "steering itself over a cliff backing fossil fuel".

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