Israeli Doctors Re-attach 12-Year-Old Palestinian Boy’s Head After Decapitation In Car Crash

Medics saved Suleiman Hassan (Image: Hadassah Medical Center)

Israeli doctors have successfully reattached a Palestinian boy’s decapitated head.

Suleiman Hassan, 12, was riding his bike when he was hit by a car. The accident caused internal decapitation, which is when the skull and spine are no longer attached, but the skin remains untouched.

Over 70% of internal decapitation victims die in an instant.

Dr. Ohad Einav, who is one of the medical professionals who operated on Hassan, said that they “fought for the boy’s life.”

“The procedure itself is very complicated and took several hours,” Dr. Einav told The Times of Israel. “While in the operating room, we used new plates and fixations in the damaged area.”

Einav credited the medical team’s knowledge and “most innovative technology in the operating room” for their successful operation. He also suggested that Hassan is recovering without any major side effects.

“The fact that such a child has no neurological deficits or sensory or motor dysfunction, and that he is functioning normally and walking without an aid after such a long process, is no small thing,” Einav added.

Hassan’s father, whose name is unknown and reportedly stayed with the boy throughout his hospital stay, thanked the hospital staff for saving his son’s life.

“I will thank you all my life for saving my dear only son. Bless you all,” he said. “Thanks to you he regained his life even when the odds were low and the danger was obvious.”

“What saved him were professionalism, technology and quick decision-making by the trauma and orthopedics team. All I can say is a big thank you,” he added.


This is not the first time a young boy has survived internal decapitation. In 2016, a then four-year-old boy named Killian was involved in a car accident with his mother after their car rammed into another car during a hailstorm.


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