Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential Candidacy Slammed By JFK’s Grandson, Jack Schlossberg, As An ‘Embarrassment’

BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 29: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, speaks to people from a wide spectrum, including coronavirus skeptics, conspiracy enthusiasts, right-wing extremists, religious conservatives,...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential candidacy has been called out publicly by a family member, former President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg.

Schlossberg spoke out against Kennedy Jr. on social media for spreading conspiracy theories during his presidential campaign.

“President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather, and his legacy is important. It is about a lot more than Camelot and conspiracy theories,” said Schlossberg. “It is about public service and courage. It is about civil rights, the Cuban Missile Crisis and landing a man on the moon.”

Schlossberg went on to list off several accomplishments of the Biden administration, and he mentioned that Kennedy Jr. should endorse his re-election, too.

“Under Biden, we’ve added 13 million jobs, unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years. Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal and the largest investment in green energy ever,” said Schlossberg. “He’s appointed more federal judges than any president since my grandfather. He ended our longest war. He ended the Covid pandemic, and he ended Donald Trump. These are the issues that matter.”

Schlossberg called out Kennedy Jr. for trading in conspiracy theories and more for “personal gain and fame.” He then said Kennedy Jr.’s bid for Democratic candidacy an “embarrassment.”

“Let’s not be distracted, again, by someone’s vanity project,” said Schlossberg.

Schlossberg’s Instagram video can be found here.

Kennedy Jr. has since remarked on the opinions coming from within his own family.

“I mean, my family was raised arguing with each other,” said Kennedy Jr. told the Daily Mail. “A lot of them support me and a lot of them disagree with me.”

Kennedy Jr. did not attend his family reunion due to his campaign schedule.


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