Vegan potato soup

Rolf Seiffe/FoodCentrale by ddp images

For 4 servings:

2 tablespoons canola oil
2 small onions
1 spring onion
2 bay leaves
2 pimento seeds
800 ml vegetable broth
1 untreated lime
500 g potatoes (mainly waxy)
2 carrots
100 g sugar snap peas
1 bunch chervil
salt and pepper


1. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half. Remove the skin from the onions and cut them into cubes.

2. Sauté together with the potatoes in rapeseed oil over medium heat. After about 5 minutes, add the vegetable broth, bay leaves, pimento seeds and cook until the potatoes are soft.

3. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher to obtain a creamy soup with light chunks.

4. Cut the leek onions into fine rings and add to the soup. Season with salt, pepper, the juice of a lime and nutmeg.

5. Peel the carrots lengthwise with a peeler into strips and provide. Cut the sugar snap peas lengthwise into fine strips and add to the soup with the carrots. Decorate here and there with some chervil.

Preparation time approx.: 35 minutes

Nutritional values per serving approx:

Calories: 209
Joule: 873
Protein: 4,6 g
Fat: 8,9 g
Carbohydrates: 26.6 g

(FoodCentrale by ddp images)