Farah fourth in London racing swansong

By Matt Hardy

British athletics legend Mo Farah finished fourth in his final ever race in London as the former Olympic track champion competed in the Big Half. (Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images)

British athletics legend Mo Farah finished fourth in his final ever race in London as the former Olympic track champion competed in the Big Half.

Farah will conclude his career next weekend at the Great North Run having won four Olympic gold medals across the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Games.

Jack Rowe was first in the men’s race with a time of 01:01:08, beating fellow Briton Mahamed Mahamed whose time was 01:01:16.

“It was quite emotional today because I haven’t been feeling well this week, I’ve got a bit of a cold,” Farah told the BBC.

“I didn’t know if I could do the race, then I was thinking about all the people coming out here and I’m not going to get another chance.

“I came out today, gave it my best but you can’t take anything away from Jack, he’s been working hard for the last three years and he’s deserved that win.

“It’s just nice to see youngsters coming along, grabbing that chance and believing in themselves.”

Farah added: “As I said, when you’ve achieved everything it must come to an end at some point. I’m getting on a bit and I’m kind of just looking forward to taking a break and hopefully being involved in sports, but just spending time with my family.

“Honestly, without the crowd and support I’ve had over the years it wouldn’t be the same.”

Rowe said: “I’m super happy. I’ve been out training hard with Mo and his team and some guys I go out with.

“It was nice to come back and deliver, it feels smooth out there and I enjoy running out on the roads in London.”