Canadian Government Warns LGBTQ Travelers About Homophobic Policies & Attitudes In U.S.

NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 14: Attendees listen to speakers at a memorial gathering for those killed in Orlando at Grand Army Plaza on June 14, 2016 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. Forty-nine people were killed when a gunman opened fire at a...

The Canadian government has warned LGBTQ citizens of the dangers that they could face by traveling to the United States in an updated travel notice.

While the government did not cite specific states or anti-LGBTQ policies, the advisory encouraged Canadian residents to prepare for homophobic behavior and laws in America.

“Foreign laws and customers related to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics can be very different from those in Canada,” the advisory stated. “As a result, you could face certain barriers and risks when you travel outside Canada. Research and prepare for your trip in advance to help your travels go smoothly.”

Canada’s notice comes a few months after a U.S.-based advocacy group, Human Rights Campaign, declared a national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the country.

“LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived — they are real, tangible and dangerous,” said president Kelley Robinson. “In many cases, they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at risk.”


The Canadian advisory also shared links to hotlines and advice for LGBTQ travelers.


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