N. Korean leader Kim inspects Russian warplanes, Pacific fleet vessel

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected combat aircraft and a frigate in Russia's Far East region with the country's Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on Saturday, local media reported.

Kim, who is visiting Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, arrived at Artyom railway station, 45 kilometers from Vladivostok, before meeting with Shoigu at the Knevichi airfield in Primorye, according to Tass news agency.

The crew commanders of Russia's Aerospace Forces briefed Kim on the capabilities of the Su-34 supersonic fighter-bomber and other aircraft during the inspection, Tass said.

Kim and Shoigu also inspected a frigate of Russia's Pacific fleet in Vladivostok, the Interfax news agency said.

Kim met with Putin on Wednesday at the Vostochny Cosmodrome space launch center. His visit to Russia comes amid international concern that North Korea could provide ammunition to Moscow, which is struggling to replenish its rapidly depleting stockpiles as its war in Ukraine drags on.

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