Ted Cruz Makes Shocking Prediction About 2024 Election


On Monday, September 18, Ted Cruz released an episode of his podcast, "Verdict with Ted Cruz," where he made a shocking prediction. The Senator of Texas suggested that the Democratic party may replace Joe Biden before nominating him for the 2024 presidential election.

"Here's the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous," Cruz said before he launched into his theory. "In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama."

Ted Cruz ran for president in 2016. MEGA

"Michelle Obama – number one, you don't infuriate African-American women, which is a critical part of the constituency the Democrats are relying on to win. Number 2 – If you pick from any of the four, the other three are pissed. Because they're all to some extent, peers, they're rivals, all jabbing knives at each other. Michelle Obama because she was the first lady has the ability to parachute in above all four and say, 'Hey, we're not picking among any of you,'" he added before noting that it could put the Republicans in "very serious danger" when it comes to winning the presidency.

Michelle Obama was the first lady from 2009-2017. MEGA

"In terms of a solution that unifies Democrats, there ain't nothing like that," he continued, mentioning how Obama could come in and "wake up" with the most powerful job in the world.

As OK! previously reported, Cruz's statements came after reports claimed the left-wing has been begging Obama to run for president as recent polls put her 48 percent while President Joe Biden sits at 36 percent.

Ted Cruz is a senator from Texas. MEGA

The "secret back-channel talks," reported by RadarOnline.com, apparently began after Democrats "panicked" due to Donald Trump's rising poll numbers.

"Democrats say somebody has to stop Trump and Barack knows Michelle is the best person to do it! Party heavyweights are secretly testing the waters for support," the source claimed of former President Barack Obama, adding that a "draft Michelle" campaign has gotten some traction.

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama share two daughters. MEGA

"If Michelle announced, the election would go immediately from a hotly contested footrace to a landslide," the insider alleged. "While Barack has already endorsed Biden, he's reneged in private and will publicly throw Joe overboard in a heartbeat if he thinks that the election is on the line."

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"He had hoped that the president would have rallied and come into his own at this point, but that clearly hasn't happened," the source said. "With 2024 growing closer and closer, he had to act since he apparently fears Joe is getting too old and frail to win."

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