Video games are an opportunity for jobs and the future, says Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron believes video games are "an integral part of France".

The French president previously suggested that there was a link between acts of violence and video gamers - but he's now backtracked on that claim.

He wrote online: "Video games are an integral part of France.

"Video games offer opportunities for employment and the future, creating champions, but also engineers, developers, designers and creators. The sector inspires, makes people dream, makes them grow!"

Macron, 45, also insisted that he sees video games as an integral part of the French economy.

The politician said: "I have always considered that video games are an opportunity for France, for our youth and its future, for our jobs and our economy.

"There is still a lot to do. You can count on me."

Last year, meanwhile, France banned the use of English-language gaming terms.

Government officials were told to use the French equivalents for terms such as "pro-gamer" and "streamer".

The overarching ambition behind the move was to preserve the purity of the French language.

The culture ministry in France is determined to improve communication and other, similar things have been done previously in other industries that use English-language expressions.

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