Mary Trump Makes Shocking Claim About Trump's 'Meet the Press' Interview

Niece and vocal critic of Donald Trump Mary Trump recently addressed his controversial Meet the Press interview with Kristen Welker, which aired on Sunday, September 17.

While sharing her strong opinion of the television event to her substack audience, the 58-year-old suggested that both NBC News, who aired Meet the Press, and CNN, who did a town hall with Trump earlier this year, had to make concessions with the former president to get him on their network.

Donald Trump is currently the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. MEGA

“Much like CNN’s disastrous ‘town hall’ in May of this year, the Meet the Press ‘interview’ moderated by Kristin Welker, never should have happened. Both were train wrecks that most of us could see coming from several light-years away,” Mary stated.

“It appears both CNN and NBC approached Donald with the idea, which suggests the networks were in the weaker negotiating position from the beginning giving Donald most of the leverage. From CNN he got the moderator, the format, and the audience he wanted. Based on Sunday’s travesty, NBC followed giving him much of what he wanted as well,” she explained.

“To kick the interview off, Welker refers to Donald as ‘Mr. President’ twice (we don’t yet know if this obsequiousness was voluntary or one of the concessions NBC made to him). She then asks him why he’s running for president again,” she concluded, alluding that the way Welker addressed her uncle was a possible request he had for the channel.

Donald Trump is a father-of-five. MEGA

The number of times the father-of-five was referred to as "Mr. President" in the recent interview was notable, as former President Barack Obama was interviewed by NPR in 2020, where he was addressed that way once, and was called "Mr. President" on 60 Minutes five times, but the full Meet the Press transcript indicated Welker called Trump “Mr. President” 82 times.

Donald Trump has been indicted four times this year. MEGA

As OK! previously reported, this is not the first time Mary has come after her relative, the writer penned an entire book titledToo Much and Never Enough, where she repeatedly bashed the former commander-in-chief.

On August 16, she appeared on MSNBC's Alex Wagner Tonight, to discuss Donald’s then upcoming arraignment in Georgia.

Donald Trump's niece Mary Trump wrote the book 'Too Much and Never Enough' about her uncle. MEGA

Mary claimed he would be meek"on steroids" while in the courtroom where cameras would be present.

"Probably the worst thing he can feel is humiliation," she said. "So he uses a lot of weapons at his disposal, a lot of defense mechanisms to displace that humiliation, to make it unconscious so he doesn’t have to feel."

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"So we’ve been hearing from a lot of people in his inner circle that he is furious all the time. It’s much better to feel angry than it is to feel humiliated or afraid," she added. "But Donald is and always has been a frightened little boy deep down."

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