U.K. Dating Show Featuring Fully Nude Contestants, ‘Naked Attraction,’ Creates Controversy In U.S. On Max

A scene from 'Naked Attraction' (Image: Max)

One of the U.K.’s most well-known dating shows, Naked Attraction, was added to the Max streaming service last week and has already garnered much attention.

Naked Attraction is a game show that “starts where a good date often ends — naked.” Each episode features one “chooser” who critiques and eventually eliminates six potential dates standing on stage, all fully nude. Their bodies are revealed slowly throughout the episode, with their faces being last.

Once the chooser narrows down their options to two contestants, the chooser strips naked and allows the contestants to critique them. Once a winner is chosen, they are able to go on a date with the chooser.

Though somewhat brutal and suggestive, each episode does intertwine sexual education and attempts to promote body positivity. The show also recruits contestants of all different sexual orientations.

Max did not censor the provocative show but did add a warning at the beginning of each episode that states: “The following series is intended only for mature audiences. It contains full frontal nudity, coarse language and graphic discussions about the human body. Viewer discretion is advised.”

Max did not advertise Naked Attraction before its release, but this did not stop viewers from finding the sexy show on their own, and many have even praised the program.

“Despite the nudity, it isn’t supposed to be titillating or dramatic or anything,” wrote one viewer on Reddit. “The contestants are just normal people with normal flaws, and the format promotes an open healthy discussion of sex with the participants.”

Others, however, have not been as accepting of the U.K. series. Conservative watchdog group Parents Television Council condemned Max for streaming Naked Attraction in a statement released on Monday.

“HBO should immediately remove this exploitative, pornographic program,” the statement said. “HBO gives the appearance of a trusted family brand by hosting Harry Potter and Sesame Street but has now lifted its own veil, revealing that it is and always was a pornography channel.”


Television critics from the U.S. have yet to comment on Max’s latest addition, though it has not fared well amongst U.K. critics.


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