Kevin Spacey's Health Struggle: Actor Rushed to Overseas Hospital After Heart Attack Scare


Kevin Spacey was taken to a hospital in Uzbekistan after suffering a bizarre health scar that left him unable to feel part of his body.

The 64-year-old actor had been in the central Asian country for the 15th Tashkent International Film Festival when his left arm went completely numb for "about eight seconds," leaving those around him fearful that he was having a heart attack.

Kevin Spacey was rushed to the hospital after feeling his left arm go numb for nearly ten seconds.mega

"He was treated professionally by doctors and staff and found to have no problem with his heart," a source spilled to an news outlet in a report published on Wednesday, October 4.

The House of Cards star was later released from the hospital and returned to the festival where he told the crowd about the unnerving incident.

Spacey had an MRI and other tests done before he was assured his heart was fine.mega

"It made me really take a moment and think about how fragile life is — for all of us," he said on Monday night. "I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and I suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds. I shook it off, but I immediately told the people I was with and we went immediately to the [...] medical center."

"I spent the afternoon there having a variety of tests. Staff took care of me, and even put me through an MRI," he continued. "Everything turned out to be completely normal, and I’m grateful it’s not anything more serious."

Spacey told the crowd at the film festival he was grateful the situation had not been more serious.mega

The Sun reported Spacey's speech to the crowd and spoke with the source about the actor's health scare.

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