Startups that are Headlining the News

In recent years, society’s perception of startups has undergone a significant transformation. Once viewed as risky ventures embarked upon by daring entrepreneurs, startups are now seen as key drivers of innovation, job creation, and economic growth.

This paradigm shift is partly due to the success stories of startups like Uber, Airbnb, and SpaceX, which have not only disrupted industries but also become household names. These success stories have helped change the narrative surrounding startups, inspiring a more positive and supportive attitude from both society and investors.

Startups are now seen as powerful agents of change, offering innovative solutions to contemporary challenges. This change in perception has led to increased acceptance and even admiration for the enterprising spirit that drives startup founders. People now recognize that startups are responsible for some of the most groundbreaking technologies and services that have become integral to modern life.

Consequently, this positive perception has translated into more significant investments and partnerships, fostering a fertile ground for startup growth and development. Because of this change, more media publications have also begun providing a platform for startups to share their innovations.

When it comes to celebrating innovation and disruption, there are a few key startups that are changing the way society perceives different industries.


In the health industry, most companies are staying in the status quo. But Evinature is disrupting the way people receive care for their gut health concerns. Because there is still no known cure for IBD, alternative medicine has become the silver lining for patients with this condition.

This startup is dedicated to researching and developing personalized treatment plans and nutraceuticals for patients living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other gastrointestinal concerns. Because of the startup’s innovative solution, it has also been the subject of buzz because of its product the CurQD® Protocol which is a set of natural, clinically-proven regimens that are highly individualized. These aim to address each stage of the IBD condition.


The storage industry is full of giants that are strictly traditional in how storage is done. In the normative process, individuals would rent a storage facility in a specific location and they would have to hire moving trucks to bring the belongings they need for storage to those facilities, only then would they be able to store their items. This tedious and burdensome process is exactly what Flex intends to disrupt.

This startup focuses on providing portable storage on demand. This means that Flex delivers their storage right to a customer’s doorstep. This solves the first problem: instead of going to the storage facility, the storage facility goes to them. It doesn’t stop there because each portable storage is equipped with smart features, including temperature & humidity sensors, motion sensors, GPS tracking, or even solar-powered technology. Equipped with these powerful features, Flex is changing the way storage is done.

Academic Research

If there’s one thing that academic scholars find difficult in the whole research process, it’s the literature review. Imagine going through hundreds of journal articles just to find which ones are relevant to the research project at hand and can be properly integrated into the literature review.

This exact phase of the research process is what Semantic Scholar aims to streamline. By employing state-of-the-art AI models, the platform processes and categorizes papers, making it easier for researchers to find, understand, and connect with the wealth of scientific knowledge available. With its commitment to advancing scientific understanding, Semantic Scholar is a valuable resource that accelerates scientific breakthroughs using the power of AI.

Space Technology

What is better than building rockets that will boost space exploration? The answer: building 100% reusable rockets. This innovative approach is championed by Stoke Space which emphasizes the complete reusability of rocket components and an ultra-high launch cadence.

The rocket’s upper stage features a distributed thruster system with an integrated, actively cooled heat shield. Its regenerative cooling mechanism ensures resilience to damage and functions with passive failure modes. As a result, the rocket requires minimal refurbishment between flights, thereby unlocking the potential for rapid turnaround. This means that, soon, we can expect a cycle of Refit, Refuel, and Refly.


When it comes to AI computation, Neurophos is leading the charge by pioneering a groundbreaking approach that harnesses the immense power of light. The startup’s innovative technology, built upon the foundation of optical metasurfaces and silicon photonics, ushers in a new era of ultra-fast, high-density AI inference, surpassing the capabilities of traditional silicon photonics.

Neurophos’s mission is centered on delivering AI computation solutions that not only offer enhanced speed but also superior efficiency and density. And when it seamlessly integrates optical metasurfaces and silicon photonics, the company has developed an AI inference acceleration solution that is poised to redefine the AI landscape.