Japan to provide remote medical care, smart farming tech to Ukraine

Japan is looking to provide remote medical care services and smart farming technology to Ukraine in order to help revive its economy and restore areas of the country devastated by Russia's invasion, government sources said Saturday.

The measures will serve as pillars of cooperation by Japanese companies and will be revealed at a meeting in Japan early next year to promote economic reconstruction in the Eastern European nation.

The provision of digital healthcare services will enable Japanese doctors to provide medical care to injured people in Ukraine by having their ultrasound scans sent to Japan.

Japan hopes to assist Ukraine with its wheat and sunflower yields through farming methods that utilize sensors and artificial intelligence technologies, which can help provide the optimal amount of water or fertilizer, for example.

As Japan has stringent regulations on providing weapons under its war-renouncing Constitution, Tokyo has committed to assisting Ukraine's reconstruction efforts through its public and private sectors.

In June, former Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi invited Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to the meeting. Companies from both countries are expected to attend in the hope of creating business opportunities for both sides.

Among other measures to support Ukraine, Japan is also considering providing the country with water purification and cyber security technologies.

In a bid to encourage Japan's private sector to engage in Ukraine's reconstruction, e-commerce giant Rakuten Group Inc. Chairman and CEO Hiroshi Mikitani and other business leaders accompanied Hayashi to Ukraine when they visited in September.

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