Paapa Essiedu's scripts give him weird dreams

Paapa Essiedu says filming ‘The Lazarus Project’ gave him weird dreams.

The 33-year-old actor reprises his role as George in the second season of the sci-fi drama and he admitted learning his lines right before he goes to bed gets into his subconscious.

Asked if working on the show gives him strange dreams, he told SFX magazine: “It does actually!

“I learn my lines just before I go to sleep – that’s the best way for them to get into my brain.

“There’s a cyclical thing I have, being on those travelators in airports and never being able to get to the end.

“I have really weird dreams and it’s hard not to when you’re imaginatively in the world.

“There’s a point in the first episode where we’re 52 three-week loops in, and trying to get into the psychology of what it’s like, it’s hard not for that to affect your subconscious. That’s the way I work.”

The ‘I May Destroy You’ star admires the “ambition” of ‘The Lazarus Project’ and is happy not to hold back in his performance.

He said: “Joe [Barton, showrunner] is definitely not interested in making it easy for the actor!

“You’ve got to have a sense of humour about it.

“I think it’s a really bold concept and for it to work, you have got to go for it – you can’t do it by halves.

“I find it really satisfying actually, the ambition of it.

“Even if the mechanics of making it happen can have a sense of repetition, that’s kind of a metaphor for what’s being played with in the story anyway.

“So it’s a workout, but in a good way.”

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