Ex Boris Johnson adviser switches sides to boost Labour business plans

By Jessica Frank-Keyes

Former Tory adviser Iain Anderson has made the move to work with Labour on securing closer relations with business.

Boris Johnson’s former ‘LGBT business champion’, who quit the Conservative Party last year after almost four decades, has now joined forces with Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, the Financial Times reports.

Anderson, who founded PR firm Cicero, now known as H/Advisors Cicero, will work with shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds to give small firms a louder voice compared to major corporations and trade unions.

He told the paper that small companies “don’t feel like they have a voice” and added: “This is about everybody getting an ability to make a pitch.”

It comes after Starmer addressed Labour’s sold-out business summit at their Liverpool conference, telling 200 top executives “you will be coming into government with us”.

While Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s business advisory council – which includes 13 FTSE100 CEOs – met for the first time in July for just 45 minutes and is set to convene twice-yearly.

Reynolds and the Department for Business and Trade have been contacted for comment.