Turning Tragedy into Triumph: Jason and Jenna Arsenault's Rise in the World of Dog Coaching

Calgary AB, Oct 19, 2023 — Jason and Jenna Arsenault, a dynamic husband-and-wife team, have emerged as prominent figures in the field of dog training, establishing themselves as industry leaders with their innovative approach. What began as a passion for Jason, rooted in his upbringing around police dogs, has evolved into a thriving multi-six-figure business, Arsenal K9, and the launch of Arsenal Canine Academy, aimed at training the next generation of dog trainers worldwide.

Jason’s journey into the world of dog training is a testament to his unwavering dedication. Growing up with a father who was a federal police dog trainer, Jason was exposed to the intricate world of canine training from a young age. He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a police officer, specializing in training dogs as a decoy for his department.

However, a tragic incident on the job abruptly ended Jason’s policing career. Determined to turn adversity into opportunity, Jason decided to pursue his lifelong passion for dog training. He embarked on a journey of mentorship, learning from some of the most renowned trainers in Europe and the United States. This experience ignited his entrepreneurial spirit, leading to the creation of Arsenal K9, which has since expanded to three locations in Western Canada.

In a serendipitous twist of fate, Jason crossed paths with Jenna Arsenault, who had established her successful dog training company. Recognizing their shared vision and expertise, they decided to combine their strengths and elevate Arsenal K9 to new heights. Together, they transformed the company into a multi-six-figure dog training powerhouse.

Driven by a shared commitment to raising the standards of dog training, Jason and Jenna saw a growing need for competent and effective trainers in the industry. This realization inspired them to launch Arsenal Canine Academy. The academy offers comprehensive training schools for aspiring pet and working dog trainers from around the world.

Both Jason and Jenna hold multiple international certifications and play pivotal roles in an international dog training association. Their expertise has garnered them respect and admiration within the industry, leading to their positions as trainers and administrators.

Arsenal Canine Academy is poised to become a beacon of excellence in the world of dog training education, thanks to the leadership and expertise of Jason and Jenna Arsenault. Their journey, from tradegy to triumph, is a story of resilience, passion, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.

For media inquiries or to learn more about Jason and Jenna Arsenault and Arsenal Canine Academy, please contact:

Jason and Jenna Arsenault



About Arsenal Canine Academy

Arsenal Canine Academy is a leading institution dedicated to providing comprehensive training programs for aspiring pet and working dog trainers. Founded by Jason and Jenna Arsenault, the academy is committed to raising the standards of dog training worldwide through expert instruction, innovative techniques, and a deep passion for canine education.

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