DreadXP Announces Amanda the Adventurer 2 and HELLPUNK at The Indie Horror Showcase

DreadXP announced at The Indie Horror Showcase that it will publish Amanda the Adventurer 2 — a sequel to MANGLEDmaw Games‘ acclaimed cartoon edutainment-themed title — and Philisophic Games’ brutal first-person gore-fest HELLPUNK.

Amanda the Adventurer is a found footage-style horror title that hides a sinister story beneath the colorful façade of a children’s cartoon.

In this throwback to edutainment shows like Blue’s Clues and Dora the Explorer, players unravel a layered narrative within a series of videotapes that depict two animated characters — the sadistic plucky Amanda the Adventurer and her cowardly yet loyal sidekick, Wooly the Sheep — and use clever puzzle-solving to connect the dots between cartoon episodes and events that transpired in the world outside of the cartoon. Amanda the Adventurer was released in April 2023 for Windows PC to massive critical acclaim and was recently ported to the Nintendo Switch in September 2023.

Amanda the Adventurer 2 will dive deeper into the twisted story of the titular Amanda and bring fans back into her super duper charming and not at all horrifying world. A release date will be announced at a later date.

Watch the manda the Adventurer 2announcement trailer here:
YouTube | Download


Independent developer and repeat Dread X Collection collaborator Philisophic Games has teamed up with DreadXP again for the upcoming gore-soaked first-person brawler HELLPUNK.

In development for Windows PC, HELLPUNK kicks players into the depths of the human mind for a rage-fueled murder-punk nightmare set in a stylish futuristic setting. Players will pave the road to self-actualization with the blood of their foes and gleefully dance through the subconscious realm using creative, brutal melee combat.

Sometimes the answer to the human condition lies within. And sometimes that answer is violence, ya dig?

Watch the ELLPUNKannouncement trailer here:
YouTube | Download

The first Amanda the Adventurer game is available on the Nintendo eShop and Windows PC on Steam (and is Steam Deck compatible) for $8.99 USD.

HELLPUNK will be released on Windows PC via Steam and can be wishlisted now.

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