Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney Calls Trump ‘The Most Dangerous Threat’ Facing The Country

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 09: U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), Vice Chairwoman of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, delivers opening remarks during a hearing on the January 6th investigation on Capitol Hill...

Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) blamed the current chaos within the House GOP on former President Donald Trump, referring to him as “dangerous.”

Cheney pointed out that the leadership decisions made by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) following the 2020 election, and especially after January 6, played a big role in the current situation.

She criticized McCarthy for turning a blind eye to the assault on democracy led by Trump and his allies in the House.

During an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, she stressed her desire to advocate for individuals who uphold the Constitution and fulfill their duties in Congress.

When the host inquired if she would consider running for president, she replied that she had not ruled it out.

Earlier, during an appearance on Face the Nation, when she was asked about when she would make a decision regarding a presidential run she gave a similar answer, suggesting that she is open to this possibility.

The House GOP is currently going through a high-stakes speakership battle after McCarthy’s ouster earlier this month. The latest candidate to exit the race is Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), leaving a crowded field of eight contenders seeking the speakership.

The situation within the conference has worsened as Republicans attempt to find a solution to the deadlock, while their narrow majority makes it uncertain whether any candidate can gather the 217 votes required to win the House speakership.

Cheney, who was a major critic of Trump in Congress, recently lamented the increase in violence and threatening rhetoric in politics.

Several Republicans who voted against Jordan’s bid for the House speakership have claimed to have received hostile calls, threatening messages and even death threats.

Cheney described Trump as the “most dangerous threat” facing the country.

She added that if elected as the president once again, Trump would carry out all the actions he previously attempted, but was prevented from doing so by responsible individuals in the Department of Justice and the White House Counsel’s office.


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