Specialist Vegan Food Company INSTELLA to Launch Vegan Ramen 'Veggie Dynamite' on Amazon in November 2023

Specialist vegan food enterprise INSTELLA has announced that it will launch its vegan ramen, ‘Veggie Dynamite,’ made entirely from plant-based ingredients, on Amazon in November 2023. Since its establishment in 2021, INSTELLA has been committed to developing vegan food products. Notably, INSTELLA’s CEO, Mi-Lyung Cho, has several years of experience as a culinary YouTuber. She has introduced Korean recipes to foreigners, continuously developed a range of recipes, and dedicated herself to food product development and production.

Through its flagship brand, ‘Playful Foodie,’ INSTELLA presents the vegan ramen Veggie Dynamite with its universally palatable soybean paste flavor, ensuring an enjoyable experience for all age groups without any reservations. Contrary to ordinary soybean paste, which often contains animal-based ingredients like dried pollack broth, the soup base for this ramen is distinctively crafted using pure plant-based soybean paste. Moreover, certified vegan chili powder has been incorporated for an added spicy kick.

The nutritional content of Veggie Dynamite ramen stands at 0% cholesterol, 52.6 g carbohydrates, and 1.93 g sugars, making it ideal for those following a regular vegan diet and those conscious about health and dieting. Preparation of the product is user-friendly, making it easily accessible for anyone. Just boil 500 ml of water, add the vegetable flakes, liquid seasoning, and noodles, and then simmer for four minutes and 30 seconds.

CEO Mi-Lyung Cho of INSTELLA stated, “The choice of vegan was made with the belief that vegan foods are beneficial for health and the environment. We anticipate that our vegan ramen, crafted entirely from plant-based ingredients, will overcome existing hurdles associated with the flavor and preparation methods of traditional vegan products.” She continued, “Drawing upon my experience as a culinary YouTuber, where I developed various recipes, our focus extends beyond the domestic market to encompass the global arena.” Following the launch of our vegan ramen, we plan to introduce a diverse range of vegan products to the market.”

Meanwhile, INSTELLA’s Veggie Dynamite vegan ramen will be available through Amazon in November.

Company Name: INSTELLA