China mourns death of former Premier Li as body cremated

China on Thursday mourned former Premier Li Keqiang who died of a heart attack last week, with flags flown at half-mast at Tiananmen Square and various other locations as his body was cremated in Beijing.

While extolling the achievements of Li, who died aged 68 around seven months after serving as premier for 10 years, Chinese authorities tightened security to prevent an outpouring of sympathy from turning into criticism of President Xi Jinping, who is widely believed to have sidelined him.

Li died in Shanghai on Friday and his body was transferred to Beijing aboard a special flight later that day, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. Hong Kong media reported Li had a heart attack while swimming in a pool at a Shanghai hotel.

While serving under Xi from 2013, Li promoted market-oriented reforms in the world's second-largest economy, with the policy dubbed "Likonomics." But the role of premier gradually waned as Xi concentrated power in his own hands and started a norm-breaking third five-year term as the country's leader in 2022.

During the ruling Communist Party's twice-a-decade congress in October last year, with Xi loyalists dominating the new leadership, Li left its highest decision-making body even though he was then below the party's unwritten but de facto retirement age of 68.

Some Chinese social media users have referred to a "fierce struggle," speculating Li's shaky relationship with Xi may have been linked to his death.

Hundreds of people have offered flowers near Li's old residence in his hometown of Hefei in Anhui Province, while images of notices issued by universities and other entities banning rallies or the expression of views related to Li's death have circulated on social media.

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