Prince Harry Is 'Fed Up': Duke Is Missing 'Weird Family Gatherings' With Royals Despite Nasty Feud

The Duke of Sussex is nostalgic for all the Christmas celebrations he shared with the royal family.MEGA

Prince Harry is "fed up" with not spending Christmas with the royal family at Sandringham, but the cause is likely his own pride.

"Although they haven’t visited Sandringham since 2018, an invitation has been extended to them in previous years, bar the Covid years," a palace source spilled.

Prince Harry is still feuding with the royal family after nearly four years.MEGA

"Harry always enjoyed large family Christmases. It’s a shame that his children will miss out on the fun," the insider added. "He used to say that nobody could celebrate Christmas like the Windsors. He experienced that festive togetherness for his entire life until his move to America, and he really misses it."

They continued: "The Christmas plans are causing a bit of tension because he’s fed up with being away from everyone during key milestones."

This news comes after the Duke of Sussex revealed that he missed "the weird family gatherings when we’re all brought together under one roof for certain times of the year" in his 2022 Netflix documentary, Harry & Meghan.

Since the late 1980s, the British royal family traditionally celebrated Christmas at Sandringham House in Norfolk. This includes the popular event of the extended monarchy walking to church and chatting with locals on the estate on Christmas morning, which fans and the media have come to expect to see.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured with the royal family at Sandringham on Christmas Day, 2017.MEGA

Harry and Meghan Markle first attended the tradition as a couple in 2017, where the future Duchess of Sussex was filmed curtsying to Queen Elizabeth II as she left the prayer service. They both stayed at Sandringham the following year as a married pair but decided to skip the 2019 gathering in order to spend Christmas with Meghan's mom, Doria Ragland, in California. "Megxit" would be announced a couple of weeks later, kicking off their long-running rift with the monarchy.

The Duke of Sussex is not expected to attend his father King Charles III's 75th birthday on November 14, 2023. MEGA

This also follows a recent revelation by a source close to Harry and Meghan Markle, who let it be known that the royals did not invite the fifth in line to the throne to King Charles III's 75th birthday celebrations today.

"It could certainly take years for a reconciliation to happen between Prince Harry and the royal family," royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams dished. "Who would trust Harry and Meghan, especially after their timing releasing the news about not hearing anything about an invite to King Charles' 75th birthday celebrations hours before the King's first speech opening Parliament as monarch."

He continued: "The Sussexes have previously disrupted royal plans in this way, and obviously it is deeply resented by the royal family and by courtiers. I really don’t think Harry cares about not being invited to his father’s 75th. The rift runs deep. The Sussexes reportedly still want an apology from the royal family. What the future holds is uncertain. It is not a pleasant prospect for King Charles to deal with."

Recent reports suggest Prince Harry may spend Christmas 2023 in Hollywood, which is what Meghan Markle has apparently requested.MEGA

GBN reported on the insider revelations.

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