PM Kishida tells U.S. chip execs that cooperation is key to supply

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Wednesday that his country is doing all it can to guarantee stable chip supplies, emphasizing that cooperation with the United States is critically important.

Kishida made the remarks when he met senior executives at U.S. chipmakers in San Francisco, where he is planning to attend an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit.

"It's difficult for any county or region to sustain the whole semiconductor supply chain. Japan-U.S. cooperation is extremely important," Kishida was quoted by the Japanese government as saying.

As chips are among the most strategically important items for economic security, Kishida said he expects to see more opportunities for the nations to collaborate.

The executives, including John Neuffer, president and chief executive officer of the Semiconductor Industry Association in the United States, expressed hope for more cooperation with the Japanese chip sector, according to the government.

Kishida's meeting with senior executives at Intel Corp. and Qualcomm Inc., among others, came as Japan and the United States are stepping up efforts to build robust supply chains among like-minded partners.

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